Struggling with a full arch, or arches, of missing teeth? For patients who miss the smile they once had or wish that they felt more confident about the way their smile looks in pictures and in person, there is a sustainable solution.
Even for those patients who rely on dentures, they should consider full mouth dental implants in Scottsdale, AZ. Not only do full mouth dental implants help patients have a smile that stays in place, but they offer advantages far beyond those available with traditional dentures.
Why Do Dentures Fail?
Traditional dentures can be an understandable choice when patients first lose their teeth. However, they may wind up feeling frustrated because of their limitations.
Some of the biggest headaches associated with traditional dentures include:
- They can slide around or fall out when patients are eating and talking.
- They lose their fit as the patients jawline changes due to bone loss.
- They need to be taken out and cleaned every day.
- They may not look natural.
- They may rub against the patients gums or inside of their cheek.
- They can impede a patient’s ability to taste food and beverages.
- They only restore a small portion of biting forces, leaving patients with a restricted diet.
For those people who can relate to these denture issues, they may want to set up a time to talk with a dentist about full mouth dental implants in Scottsdale, AZ.
The Value Of Full Mouth Dental Implants
Full mouth dental implants offer patients the opportunity to revitalize their smile in a more permanent, fixed way than dentures. The patient will still have a denture-like prosthetic, but it will be anchored to several surgically placed dental implant posts.
The dental implant posts will keep the prosthetic stabilized and give patients back almost all of their biting abilities for their full arch of missing teeth. Plus, when patients work with a trusted doctor in Scottsdale, AZ, their prosthetics will be designed and milled in-house with advanced dental technology.
The Full Mouth Dental Implant Procedure
In terms of the procedure to get full mouth dental implants, patients can expect the process to be very rapid. After becoming a candidate for full mouth dental implants, patients will work with a team of dental professionals to come up with a date for their full mouth dental implant surgery.
On the day of the surgery, the patient will be given appropriate sedation to keep them comfortable and pain-free throughout their treatment. After their implants have been skillfully placed, the patient will be given a temporary prosthetic to wear. The prosthetic is fixed to the implants, so the patient can walk out of their surgery with a complete, ready-to-impress smile!
Go For Full Mouth Dental Implants In Scottsdale, AZ
Basically, dentures can work but they are not the best long-term tooth replacement choice if you have dreams of a healthy, radiant, and completely natural smile. Get in contact with Dr. Shaw and our professional team at our Smile Now Dental Implant Center office to schedule an appointment today!
During your first appointment, we will evaluate you for dental implant candidacy based on a personalized evaluation of your health, history, and lifestyle. We will also ask you about your current and future dental goals. All of our full mouth dental implant treatments are tailored to meet patients’ unique needs. You can count on us to be your guides to help you improve your oral health and gain more self-assuredness with dental implants.